Saturday, March 12, 2011

a pictorial update on my life

Flowers that Keith gave me, I collected the seeds and planted them and they're now sprouting :) who said flowers were a waste of money and just die!
Apparently at the Red Cross Op Shop you can buy a bra :)
My other love... Alphonse Mucha
Vincent Van Gogh, I don't know how people live without art in their lives...
The Left Side of my Body and heart <3
My new art room view from our new house.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

these days...

what I'm listening to: Silversun Pickups
mood: blah (wish my back would stop hurting)
what I'm googling: pin-up photography

Hi all, 

The last 2 days have been a bit yuck as I hurt my lower back tuesday at work so I've been bed ridden since but good news I applied for what seems to be an amazing design job at an advertising agency so fingers crossed they liked my mini-portfolio/resume! Other then that I've managed to completely finish first season of the Big Bang Theory and fourth season of the hills and also tried out that other printing methods. 

The fabric glue hasn't been very successful so far but I'm trying it at the moment with a very dark Mucha image so hopefully that works out. I also tried an acetone release using nail polish remover but that was a complete fail! So the only thing left is to try the freezer paper but I'm still a little confused over that...

The other exciting news is I'm doing a photo shoot with one of my best mates who's a hairdresser. She needs to do I think 4 hairstyles and cut/colour to finish her apprentiship and she didn't want to enter into the hairshow so I suggested a photoshoot so I can add the photographs to my portfolio and she gets to do her hairstyles. win win! So had a quick talk with her yesterday arv about theme and I think were going to go with a pin-up shoot that way we can get our friends to do it and hopefully it will be fairly nice on our purses! I absolutely adore pin-ups especially Bettie Page and the art of Gil Elvgren. So were having a catch up this sarv to discuss more. Should be really fun and full on! Haven't done much photography for a long time so it should be interesting and good to get back into it! 

Gil Elvgren

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fabric printing trials

Hello all, well I've spent pretty much all trying to print onto fabric using a variety of methods that don't cost me anthing but alas I need to go to spotlight to buy a couple of things. 

The first method I tried was using a mixture of glycerine, water and alcohol (vodka) to transfer a printed out image onto calico which worked pretty well for text but not so good for images or colour images. So then I tried doing it onto just random fabric already with a print but that also didn't work out. As you can see below the images are all blury however the text was perfect! 

If you want to try this yourself the mixture is:

1. 1 oz bottle/or cup
2. 1/3 gylcerine 
3. 2/3 distilled water
4. 1/4 teaspoon alcohol

Then just mix it together and lightly apply to the print out making sure the image/text is face down on the fabric/paper or wood and then use the back of the spoon to apply pressure to it.

The example below didnt work out too well so I went over it with an old dried up texta and kept dipping it in the gylcerine mixture.

After searching the web for an hour I found a couple of sites that suggested fabric glue or freezer paper so tomorrow I'll head to spotlight and get some of each.

Below are some of the links I found:

Yesterday while couch potato-ing it I actually had some progress on Keith's tattoo just need to finish the knights helmet and do the filagree, although I'm worried now after asking him to research some tattoo artists on the web that he likes from brisbane. I just don't want it to end up ugly as it will be big and displayed on his arm forever :(


till next time x

Saturday, May 29, 2010

artist a day

What I'm listening too: X-box
Mood: blah
Who I'm currently googling: David Marc Grant

I just accidently found this website which shows a different everyday and today discovered illustrator David Marc Grant his works revolve around the idea of "environmental problems, contradictions, and unintended consequences of a civilization built on a foundation of unsustainable growth on a finite planet". None the less his art is very cool and detailed I love mixing black and white illustrations with colour backgrounds and elements. Its very inspiring to find artist that create their own style rather then copying other artists or sticking to the norm!

Just finished taking photos of (ess-arr) Simonne's rag animals will put them after some photoshop adjusting. Other then that i've been a bit slow on the updating of my graphic design portfolio as silly computers dying have meant me losing files which has delayed me greatly, hopefully though in the next couple of weeks iot will be ready to 'hopefully' interest some future employers. Although my cover letter and resume need some major adjustment! Sigh! 

anyway have fun and start creating today!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

a perfect world...

My new book from Just awaiting my other book 'art by tattooists'. The amazing thing about the book depository is it is FREE SHIPPING from the uk and the books are at least half the price of the retail price you'll find in any book shop. 

So do yourself a favour and have a look, I promise you'll become addicted <3

Monday, May 24, 2010

What I'm listening too: Senses Fail (sick or sane) and Rise Against
Mood: pretty mellow (for a change)
Who I'm currently googling: Amanda Wachob:


I'm not sure where to start my heads full of ideas since I pulled out of teaching last monday and I want to do them all but where to start?! I need to do my partners tattoo, create swing tags for my partners mum and aunty (who are busy creating amazing crafty things) and their label ess-arr and update my graphic design portfolio. But so far all I've pretty much done is work, do up ess-arrs' blog and create kitchy necklaces: